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Being a part of a sorority is an experience that offers young women the opportunity to learn about herself and her sister to her left and right. Pershing Angels are women from all walks of life, but are primarily military affiliated. Whether traveling during various ROTC or military training events, a Pershing Angel has the benefit of having a sister to connect with.

NSPA values sisterhood, scholarship, service, leadership, personal and professional development, and physical aptitude. As the only national drill sorority, our foundation consists of discipline, structure, consistency, and attention to detail.

Members of the National Society of Pershing Angels have many opportunities to show their leadership skills, give back to the community through service, and most notably, DRILL.

In addition to having sisters during collegiate years, membership offers a wide network of sisterhood across all military branches, government and corporate sectors.  These network connections help in achieving personal or professional goals.  When moving around the US or abroad, sisters connect, develop friendships, build bonds, support each other and do the work of Pershing Angels in their area.  

Overall, Pershing Angels offers many opportunities for women who are pursuing a career in the military, have a passion for drill & ceremony, want to serve those in need, or want to learn and gain leadership skills which are valuable and relevant for women today.

  • We have a passion for drill.
  • We believe in the military and it’s values.
  • We inspire each other and choose to impact our communities.
  • We are leaders.
  • We like to have fun while doing all of the above!


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