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On 5 April 2013, the National Assembly adopted the Conduct & Risk Management Guidelines. 

All members of the Sorority, as well as all member candidates, are charged with participating in annual training on the Guidelines.  The Guidelines include policy to cover the following areas:
  • Individual Code of Conduct
  • Dress Code at Events and Functions
  • Hazing
  • Alcohol and Drugs
  • Sexual Abuse, Discrimination, & Harassment
  • Unit Houses and Meeting Facilities
  • Trademark and Insignia Policy

All prospective members will receive a copy of the NSPA Conduct & Risk Management Guidelines before they submit their membership applications. 

University Officials should contact the National Expansion & Security Officer (expansion@pershingangels.org) to obtain copies of the Guidelines. 

Report Violations of the NSPA Conduct & Risk Management Guidlines

What the National Constitution Specifies about Hazing

NSPA National Constitution, Article IV, Section 15
.  No physical or mental hazing shall be permitted by any member of this Sorority.

What the National Manual of Policy and Procedure Specifies about Hazing

  • Right to Dignity & Respect.  All existing and prospective members have the right to be treated with dignity and respect. These rights are enforced by punishing violations of the Sorority's policies and procedures. A cornerstone of the Sorority's Risk Management policy is the prohibition of hazing.

  • National Policy Reaffirmed.  Hazing has been prohibited in the National Society of Pershing Angels Sorority since 2000. In 2012, the National Society of Pershing Angels Sorority reaffirmed its total opposition to hazing with the publication of a tougher anti-hazing policy and the implementation of new procedures to identify, investigate and punish incidents.

  • Zero Tolerance.  Hazing will not be tolerated in any form.  No unit, unit-in-training, undergraduate or alumna shall conduct nor condone hazing activities. Permission or approval by a person being hazed is not a defense.

  • Hazing Defined.  Hazing activities are defined as:

    "Any action taken or situation created, intentionally, whether on or off sorority premises, to produce mental or physical discomfort beyond military training standards, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule. Such activities may include but are not limited to the following: use of alcohol, paddling in any form, physical and psychological shocks, quests, or any other such activities carried on outside or inside of the confines of the campus; wearing of public apparel which is conspicuous and not normally in good taste, engaging in public stunts and buffoonery, morally degrading or humiliating games and activities, and any other activities which are not consistent with academic achievement, sorority law, ritual or policy or the regulations and policies of the educational institution or applicable state law."

  • Educating Members.  The National Society of Pershing Angels makes every effort to fully disclose its Conduct & Risk Management policy, including but not limited to:
    • Distributing the Sorority's Conduct & Risk Management Policy through university officials (Student Affairs, ROTC, Faculty Advisor) and Alumna Advisors, who, in turn, distribute them to students likely to go through Sorority Intake Process. The policy outlines the Sorority's Risk Management policy.

    • Training units on the Risk Management policy during workshops conducted before each unit begins its Membership Intake Process activities. Undergraduate and graduate members involved in the Membership Intake Process (MIP) must promise to treat candidates with respect by signing an Undergraduate or Alumnae Hazing Policy Compliance Form that affirms they will not participate in hazing.

    • Distributing a letter from the National Commander to all prospective members that defines hazing and outlines procedures for reporting hazing incidents. This letter is also read audibly as part of the Prospective member information briefing.

    • Providing all prospective members with a copy of the Sorority's Conduct & Risk Management policy.

  • Education During the Membership Intake Process.  
    • Providing training to Alumna Advisors who serve as mentors for undergraduate members to ensure the intake process is conducted properly, without hazing incidents.

    • By signing the Prospective Members Hazing Policy Compliance Form, Undergraduate prospective members acknowledge that they have read, understand, agree and will abide by Sorority policy.

    • By signing the required Prospective Members Hazing Policy Compliance statement, all candidates - alumnae and undergraduate - agree to follow Sorority policies on hazing.

    • The following forms will assist in a complaint process.
      • Undergraduate Hazing Policy Compliance Form
      • Alumnae Hazing Policy Compliance Form
      • Prospective Members Hazing Policy Compliance

  • Hazing Policy Violations.  Any individual or unit violation of the National Society of Pershing Angel's Conduct & Risk Management policy will result in suspension, expulsion or revocation of the unit's charter. A fine may also be imposed. In addition, hazing activities may result in official discipline by a college/university or the imposition of civil and criminal penalties for individuals and/or units.

    • Unofficial [Improper] Contact.  All prospective candidates - graduate and undergraduate - should understand that they must not consider contact with an inactive, suspended or expelled member to be any part of the Membership Intake Process of the Sorority. Members may be, and are, inactive, suspended or expelled for reasons other than hazing. However, prospective candidates should not participate in any form of membership activities with any inactive, suspended or expelled member. In order to assist candidates in determining who may not contact them on behalf of the Sorority, below are descriptions of the inactivation, suspension and expulsion penalties, and separate links to list all inactive, suspended and expelled members irrespective of the specific reasons for the punishment.

      • Member Inactivation.  Inactivation of a member disqualifies the individual from participating in any and all Sorority activities, in any capacity, until restored to good standing by the National Headquarters.

      • Member Suspension. Suspension of a member disqualifies the individual from participating in any and all Sorority activities, in any capacity, until restored to good standing by the National Headquarters, upon approval of the National President.

      • Member Expulsion.  Expulsion permanently revokes the individual's membership in the Sorority.